Computing perimeter, surface area, diameter ...

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Gilles Bonnet
Posts: 5
Joined: 10 Feb 2015, 19:02

Computing perimeter, surface area, diameter ...

Postby Gilles Bonnet » 13 Feb 2015, 19:05

Dear all,

I am studying some random polytopes. With Polymake I can easily simulate some realisations of them. I would like to have information about the principal functional.
So in 2 dimensions: the perimeter, the area and the diameter (maximal distance between two vertices).
And in higher dimensions: the volume, the surface area, the mean-width, the other intrinsic volumes, and the diameter.

I think I have seen that i can have the volume of a given polytope. Is it also possible to get the other functionals and how?

Many thanks and regards!

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Re: Computing perimeter, surface area, diameter ...

Postby assarf » 17 Feb 2015, 16:38

Hi there,

at the moment there is nothing of those properties implemented except for VOLUME (which only works for full dimensional polytopes and is the area when your polytope is 2-dimensional).
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Gilles Bonnet
Posts: 5
Joined: 10 Feb 2015, 19:02

Re: Computing perimeter, surface area, diameter ...

Postby Gilles Bonnet » 18 Feb 2015, 11:11

oh too bad! Thanks for your answer anyway. And thanks again for the work on this program. It is a great tool!

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