Hello, and thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. First off, is it hopeless to try to use the bundle install on OS X 10.8.5, since it is neither 10.8 nor 10.9? If not, and there's hope still, here's where I am stuck: After downloading the OS 10.8 bundle and placing it in the Applications folder, which went fine, it couldn't BEGIN (please see attached screenshot of the terminal window). Basically, there seems to be an incompatibility with something in a library associated to the bundled perl, but this is all unfamiliar to me.
After that, I tried downloading the OS 10.9 version, just to see. This time, the message that came when trying to run it is that the perl version didn't match. As in the Read Me file (and other posts in this forum), I ran the version check, and it says I'm running the same version of perl as came with the OS 10.8 polymake bundle (5.12.4). So, is there any way out?
I was so happy to see you had these bundles, and very much hope it can still be made to work.