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Controlled convex hull computation in polymake

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 12:57
by vissarion

does polymake give the choise to control the course of the convex hull algorithm? That is, can I stop the convex hull algorithm before computing all the facets?

I guess this is doable with the polymake beneath and beyond. But I need to use gift wrapping algorithms? Could I for example stop lrs if I found some facet that violates some criterion?

Thank you in advance.

Vissarion Fisikopoulos.

Re: Controlled convex hull computation in polymake

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 14:28
by assarf
without modifying lrs, I don't see how this would work. Even with beneath and beyond you would have to modify the core of that algorithm.
Meaning: this is not possible from the polymake shell.