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Method for deciding property REGULAR of fans.

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 23:30
by sebasguts

can you add a method to decide the property REGULAR of a PolyhedralFan?
I'm working on toric varities, and this seems to be a nice and easy method to decide wether a fan given variety is projective or not. It would be perfect if there would be a method which computes a polytope out of such a regular fan, which has the fan as normalfan.

Thank you in purpose,

Re: Method for deciding property REGULAR of fans.

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 13:28
by paffenholz
Indeed, This would be a nice feature. We are working on this, and it will be implemented in one of the next releases of polymake.

(for developer reference, this is #472)

Re: Method for deciding property REGULAR of fans.

Posted: 22 May 2012, 15:01
by joswig
Done. Will be part of the next release.