Hello, I was thinking of a small example of a rational polygon that encounters period collapse when obtaining its Ehrhart quasipolynomial and admits an Ehrhart polynomial instead. I put the polytope conv{(0,0),(0,1/2),(1/2,0)} into polymake and I got that the Ehrhart polynomial is 1/2*x^2 + 3/2*x + 1. This is certainly not correct since we should be getting 1 when evaluating the polynomial at 1 to account for (0,0) and I expect the leading term to be 1/8. Can someone check if I did anything incorrect?
polytope > $m = new Matrix([1,0,0],[1,1/2,0],[1,0,1/2]);
polytope > $p = new Polytope<Rational>(VERTICES=>$m);
polytope > print join("\n",@{$p->EHRHART_QUASI_POLYNOMIAL});
1/2*x^2 + 3/2*x + 1