Tropical Polytope Visualization

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Tropical Polytope Visualization

Postby mjbreenm » 20 Oct 2020, 16:57

I've been running into an issue using the visualization options for tropical polytopes. Specifically, on small examples polymake successfully calculates pseudovertices and maximal covector cells, but for each type of visualization I get the error:

polymake: ERROR: Can't locate object method "code" via package "1" (perhaps you forgot to load "1"?) at /Applications/ line 1021.

Is this an error in my packages, or is it just too big for visualization? For a reference example, here is a Max-plus polytope starting with POINTS=>[[14,21,14,4,15],[20,21,14,4,15],[14,21,14,7,15],[20,21,14,7,15]] where this occurs for me.


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Re: Tropical Polytope Visualization

Postby joswig » 21 Oct 2020, 09:52

Please give more details: which polymake version on which operating system are you running? Which visualization backend?

Also please give the entire sequence of commands leading to the error.

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