release 2.13

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release 2.13

Postby joswig » 07 May 2014, 11:13

We are happy to announce polymake 2.13, which already appeared in April. The
tar ball can be downloaded from ... -1.tar.bz2

The most important new features include:
  • new application "ideal" with interface to Singular, version 4
  • new application "fulton" for normal toric varieties
  • quadratic field extensions, e.g., to represent the Platonic solids exactly
  • updated and modularized iterface to libnormaliz
  • new interface to ppl (Parma Polyhedra Library)
  • improved computation of convex hulls up to symmetry (via interface to
  • TikZ output
For details see

polymake 2.13 also comes as a bundle for MacOS 10.8 and 10.9.

Happy polymaking! On behalf of the entire polymake team,
Michael Joswig

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