I am stumbling over a problem when trying to compute the adjacency matrix of a graph in C++. Actually I am interested in the edges of a polytope, but - if I understand it correctly - an edge matrix itself does not exists as a subobject, but rather n alternate presentation of the adjacency matrix if you type "$p->GRAPH->EDGES;".
My problem occurs in the following lines:
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perl::Object g=p->give("GRAPH"); // p being a perl::Object storing a polytope
IncidenceMatrix<NonSymmetric> icmat = g.give("ADJACENCY");
The problem most likely lies in me trying to store the adjacency matrix in an IncidenceMatrix. So I wanted to ask what type must I use here? I have also tried using set, but that also fails with the same message.Size magic not implemented, <GEN5> line 37.
best regards and thanks in advance, Yue!