But then, what exactly do you expect polymake to do for you?The group SL(2, 5) does not have a faithful 3-dimensional real representation. Thus it does not act as a group of symmetries of a 3-dimensional object such as an icosahedron.
Code: Select all
polytope > @list_of_cones = (); for (my $i=0; $i<5; ++$i) { my $C = new Cone(INPUT_RAYS=>[[1,0],[1,$i]]); push @list_of_cones, $C; }
polytope > $u = fan::union_of_cones(\@list_of_cones);
polytope > print $u->F_VECTOR;
5 4
Code: Select all
$quadric = toTropicalPolynomial("max(2*x,w+x+y,2*w+2*y,w+y+z,2*z,4*w)");