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by camilo
14 Sep 2017, 13:26
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Defining polyhedral complexes
Replies: 4
Views: 36473

Re: Defining polyhedral complexes

Thanks, that seems to work!
by camilo
11 Sep 2017, 15:57
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Defining polyhedral complexes
Replies: 4
Views: 36473

Re: Defining polyhedral complexes

Thanks for the reply. Indeed, what I have is a list of polyhedra, each one described by a list of inequalities. Sorry if the wording was confusing; maybe I should have gotten more to the point. The wish would be then to be able to use such information already as input to define a polyhedral complex ...
by camilo
07 Sep 2017, 14:26
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Defining polyhedral complexes
Replies: 4
Views: 36473

Defining polyhedral complexes

Dear developers, in my research I often stumble upon collections of combinatorially defined polyhedra, presented as intersection of half-planes, which I suspect constitute a polyhedral complex. I would like to check whether that is the case. However, according to the documentation,in polymake the in...
by camilo
28 Jun 2017, 12:38
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Minor bug with tikz() function?
Replies: 5
Views: 10400

Re: Minor bug with tikz() function?

Follow-up: that tikz bug I reported seems to have been fixed with posterior versions, and the bundled version worked fine. Thanks, and sorry for the delay.

by camilo
28 Jun 2017, 12:35
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Interactive explosion in embedded u3d
Replies: 0
Views: 27609

Interactive explosion in embedded u3d

Dear Developers, the new feature to embed interactive 3d models in PDFs is really cool 8-) I have some composite visualizations representing polyhedral subdivisions that I would like to be able to "explode" interactively within the PDF; like the "Explode Group of Geometries" bar ...
by camilo
20 Mar 2015, 10:07
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Minor bug with tikz() function?
Replies: 5
Views: 10400

Re: Minor bug with tikz() function?

Dear Benjamin, thanks for your reply. I forgot to write I was running polymake 2.13 on Mac OSX 10.9, which I installed from the available bundle. When producing a sketch scene instead, the facets are drawn in the correct order but the vertices aren't, so some vertices in the front are covered by fac...
by camilo
18 Mar 2015, 14:00
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Minor bug with tikz() function?
Replies: 5
Views: 10400

Minor bug with tikz() function?

Dear all, thanks once more for the very nice software polymake is. I've been trying to generate some pictures of 3d polytopes to include via tikz to a latex document. The output looks good, except that it seems certain facets in the front are drawn too early in the tikz code, so they are not really ...
by camilo
08 Apr 2014, 16:11
Forum: Installing polymake
Topic: Bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9
Replies: 5
Views: 8826

Re: Bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9

I got it. It was my clumsiness' fault: at some point while downloading, my finger slipped and clicked on the polymake 2.12 bundle (which requires perl 5.12) instead of the intended 2.13.

I installed it now (2.13!) and it seems to be working fine. Many thanks and much more apologies...
by camilo
08 Apr 2014, 14:57
Forum: Installing polymake
Topic: Bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9
Replies: 5
Views: 8826

Re: Bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9

Thanks for your answer!

I just tried that, and got:

Code: Select all

version is correct
by camilo
08 Apr 2014, 11:03
Forum: Installing polymake
Topic: Bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9
Replies: 5
Views: 8826

Bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9

Dear polymake Team, I just tried bundle-installing polymake 2.13 on OS X 10.9, and everything seemed to go fine. However, when trying to open, the following message appeared: ========================================================================== your perl version does not match the perl version ...

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