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by Jack Love
29 Dec 2012, 05:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: rephrasing my vert(hom(p, q)) question
Replies: 1
Views: 12301

rephrasing my vert(hom(p, q)) question

Here is an example of a full-rank vertex of $\hom(\Box_3, \Diamond_4)$, where $\Box_3$ is the unit cube in the positive orthant and $\Diamond_4$ is the standard 4D cross polytope (ie., with vertices at $\pm e_i$); the vertex is expressed in two ways: v0*F11,v0*F15, v1*F4,v1*F7,v1*F9,v1*F11, v2*F4,v2...
by Jack Love
27 Dec 2012, 00:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: another questions re: vert(hom(p, q))
Replies: 1
Views: 37011

another questions re: vert(hom(p, q))

Can polymake express a vertex map of hom(p, q) explicitly as a map, i.e., as a linear-map-matrix and a shift vector?

Thank you!
by Jack Love
20 Nov 2012, 22:04
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Interpreting vertices of Hom(p, q)
Replies: 2
Views: 5115

Re: Interpreting vertices of Hom(p, q)

This is great, thank you! Yes, $p is not a line segment; that was a typo on my part, as was the "[0, 1]" later in the post.
by Jack Love
20 Nov 2012, 02:43
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Interpreting vertices of Hom(p, q)
Replies: 2
Views: 5115

Interpreting vertices of Hom(p, q)

I'll pose this question using an example: I give Polymake a 2-cube ($p=cube(2)) and a line segment ($q=new Polytope<Rational>(POINTS=>new Matrix<Rational>([[1, 0], [0, 1]])), and then build the hom-polytope $hom=mapping_polytope($p, $q) and ask for its vertices. How can I determine which vertices co...
by Jack Love
20 Nov 2012, 02:32
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Getting edges of a polytope
Replies: 2
Views: 7746

Re: Getting edges of a polytope

Thank you!
by Jack Love
13 Nov 2012, 23:47
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Getting edges of a polytope
Replies: 2
Views: 7746

Getting edges of a polytope

How do I have Polymake tell me the edges of a polytope? For example, print $p->VERTICES. "\n"; tells me the vertices of the polytope p. But print $p->EDGES. "\n"; doesn't do anything.

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