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by lkastner
07 Feb 2023, 11:30
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Cartier test for toric divisors on non-full-dimensional cones
Replies: 2
Views: 17863

Re: Cartier test for toric divisors on non-full-dimensional cones

That is correct, we use 4.2.8 of Cox, Little, Schenck, and did not deal with (1) yet.
by lkastner
10 Sep 2021, 22:58
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Checking if two fans have the same support
Replies: 3
Views: 9405

Re: Checking if two fans have the same support

Since we are still figuring out the details of our final implementation, I made posted a jupyter notebook that should do the trick for small examples: There might still be boundary cases missing. Also note that this is re...
by lkastner
29 Oct 2020, 17:07
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Load file from command line, elaborate, print output
Replies: 13
Views: 29679

Re: Load file from command line, elaborate, print output

When using load the data needs to be in json(or previously xml) format. You can have a look at this as follows in polymake: $p = cube(2); $p->name="square"; save($p); Then open the file square.poly to see what it looks like. Maybe if you do the following you can fix your issue. Change the ...
by lkastner
03 Jun 2019, 23:01
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Projections of polyhedral fans
Replies: 1
Views: 5004

Re: Projections of polyhedral fans

The error you are running into comes from apps/polytope/src/ const int ambient_dim = p_in.give(object_prefix + "_AMBIENT_DIM"); const int dim = p_in.give(object_prefix + "_DIM"); const int codim = ambient_dim-dim; const Matrix<Scalar> linear_span = p_in.give(linear_...
by lkastner
04 Mar 2019, 11:07
Forum: Installing polymake
Topic: mptopcom1.0 fails to build
Replies: 2
Views: 8828

Re: mptopcom1.0 fails to build

Thank you for the bug report, this is the right place. I just uploaded a new revision at . I checked it with polymake 3.3, so hopefully this also works for you. It will still produce some warnings during build, these will be gone...
by lkastner
07 Dec 2016, 16:41
Forum: Installing polymake
Topic: Installing polymake on Ubuntu 14.04
Replies: 8
Views: 14457

Re: Installing polymake on Ubuntu 14.04

Thank you, we found the files and copied them to the right place. I should have thought of that myself.
by lkastner
07 Dec 2016, 00:13
Forum: Installing polymake
Topic: Installing polymake on Ubuntu 14.04
Replies: 8
Views: 14457

Re: Installing polymake on Ubuntu 14.04

Sorry for reviewing this old thread, but we are having the exact same problem. We are on Ubuntu 14.04, but on a Windows10 machine, this is their new feature, not a virtual machine. We can build and install polymake, but the is missing. No obvious errors during building or installation though....
by lkastner
29 May 2012, 14:42
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Create multiple subobjects using rules
Replies: 2
Views: 4887

Re: Create multiple subobjects using rules

Right now I am using a user_function to set these values from the outside as an interim solution. This is not very pretty, but it works fine, so take your time.
Thanks, Lars
by lkastner
27 May 2012, 23:41
Forum: Helpdesk
Topic: Create multiple subobjects using rules
Replies: 2
Views: 4887

Create multiple subobjects using rules

I was wondering if it is possible to set multiple using rules. For example for Ideals we want to compute the primary decomposition which is a set of ideals. We introduced this as a multiple subobject, but it doesn't seem to be possible to add multiple subobjects in rules. Is there some workaround fo...

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